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Couleur / Colour resonate with space, exhibition for pubic space


 Curator 策展人:Li Ningchun 黎宁春


 Artists 艺术家:海蒂 Heidi Voet、安尼沃尔 Aniwar、陈墙 Chen Qiang、计文于 Ji Wenyu、朱卫兵 Zhu Weibing、向利庆 Xiang Liqing、浦捷 Pu Jie.

Materials 作品类别:installations 装置, sculpture 雕塑, video 录像, digital print数码打印.

Space required 空间要求:more than 200m2, shopping mall, hotel lobby or open space. 大于200平米的高端商场、酒店大堂或开放式空间。

Cost 费用: curation 策展费+artists fees 艺术家费用+production 展览制作费


Tour exhibition co-operate 巡展合作:  CONTACT Ningchun Li, our development Director, at 0086 21 6283 9596 or






在COULEUR展览中,色彩与空间的互动关系由两部分作品构建:中空穹顶之下,一组唯美的海报式巨幅抽象艺术作品悬浮展示,艺术家分别是安尼沃尔和陈墙。而地面部分,则由多个知名艺术家的装置共同组成。他们分别是:比利时艺术家海蒂的大型手表拼贴作品《六害怕七吗?/因为七吃了九/我快要搞丢自己找到的那些作品》(Is six afraid of seven/ 'cause seven eight nine/ I'm about to lose the pieces I find),陈墙的装置作品《美好时光》,陈航峰的影像视频《来来去去》,计文于和朱卫兵的两件作品《造美丽》、《思想的诞生和延续》,向利庆的《自染》与《线》,以及浦捷的两件雕塑作品。



Curatorial concept

COULEUR in French means colour, so as the title of this public art exhibition, a formant between colour and space. Curator Lili invited by CITIC to tailor make according to the characteristics of the atrium. Colour is the basic element played in the exhibiting artworks, from painting, photography to new media art, the realization of the artist’s concept and aesthetics rely on the application of colours.

The exhibition is composed of the hung graphic works with installations. Peculiar artistic discourses from all the artists interpret their experimental spirit on explore colour as material and thus deepen the understanding.

CITIC Square locates in west Nanjing Road, a commercial architecture carries public property, and the interior and especially the atrium can be a perfect platform for artworks. “Couleur”primes the 2012 series program “Dialog between art and city”, CITIC stands as a respected model for her endeavor in promotion and practice of public art

Ningchun Li


References 资料图片:

2012.04.26 – 05.11

CITIC Square LG Atrium, 1168 West Nanjing Rd, Shanghai​

March Art Association

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